“MOTHERHOOD”, Angelina Donka Gatalica (SFRY/Serbia), 1966
Angelina Gatalica is an artist of specific lyrical poetics who did not follow the current movements in sculpture during the seventh decade of the twentieth century and did not look for an abstract form, but she expressed herself through refined and stylized figuration. Using the material world as a starting point, Gatalica depicted figures, portraits, animals…, insisting on emotions (motherhood, love for animals, patriotism), thus achieving the intimate character of the sculpture.”Motherhood”, in addition to the fine exterior treatment of the stone, radiates the power of its internal charge and it’s evident that tenderness and firmness are in complete harmony. It is interesting that a young worker from the marble mine spoke about Gatalica’s sculpture at the sculpture workshop on Venčac in 1966. His impressions were “that her look is noble and that there is grace in her whole posture”.

From the archive

(скулптура испред Музеја у Смедереву, фото: Снежана Цветковић)

(извор: документација Галерије ликовне уметности поклон збирка „Рајко Мамузић“)
From old newspaper: